newlife2017 发表于 2024-3-23 15:00:14


从今年年初开始,那个HUJIANBO05,现在叫HTJ1026,就在国内MF主群、SMBX群以及Team CE群异常活跃,他还加回了MF Discord。其实“活跃”这个词不能很好地形容他近期的行为,更准确的词是“他最近特别跳”。自从去年由于他所造成的一些争议,被社区警告过后,他安定了一段时间,直到最近他重新开始活跃,还是那个老样子,闯了不少祸。

- 2月4日,在国外discord发季节合集冻双的苏联关卡截图
- 2月初,在其家长不知情的情况下,用他奶奶给的钱给MF Discord充了nitro,随后与家长发生矛盾

- 除夕当晚,用压岁钱给WSW上了舰长
- 2月13日,将国内群聊发的德国元首梗图转到Team CE服务器,随后删除

- 2月14日,在B站上传MF视频,为了给视频引流,添加“原神”TAG,一天后删除该TAG

- 在其生日过去数天后,在MF Discord为自己庆生
- 多次在SMBX交流群和MF主群间转发对方的图片,其中部分与群主题无关
- 2月27日,在MF Discord先后发了MFR A版World1大地图、W1通关截图(这有什么好炫耀的??)和选关画面Syzx Worlds站在W11水管上的截图(W11在A版被移除,这个事实众人皆知,你以为大家都不知道??)
- 2月29日,在Team CE服务器点歌《114514》,随后在MF主群回复两天前的消息,说“你怎么知道我在听这个”

- 3月7日,在MF主群转发与MF无关且容易引起议论的新闻,之后被X7说“建议某些人少发点不痛不痒的东西,有这闲心不如把自己画的大饼一个一个做了”
- 3月12日,转发视频截图,说“早泄喷火花”

- 3月23日,在k4本人没在MF Discord/Team CE服务器说今天是他生日,且所有老外都不知道k4生日的情况下,第一个at k4祝他生日快乐



(更新)我差点忘了提,HTJ有时在群里发一些他自己做的MF的小成果,但我从来没看到他拿出来过一个包含这些成果的完整的作品出来(虽然之前有HJB World,但已经有一段时间了,并且HTJ也没在国内发布过这作品)。用X7的话说就是“画大饼”,HTJ到底能不能把他做的那些东西转化为最终的成品,大家可以拭目以待。

newlife2017 发表于 2024-3-24 10:02:08

HTJ 表示他会努力去改,我也期待他以后的表现。

囿里有条小咸鱼 发表于 2024-4-21 13:36:48

本帖最后由 囿里有条小咸鱼 于 2024-4-21 13:53 编辑


囿里有条小咸鱼 发表于 2024-5-12 10:43:34


newlife2017 发表于 2024-5-12 10:58:58

这事情我也不想做什么指摘,退国外群组是他自己的选择。如果 HTJ 有意回归,永吧群还是会给他真•最后一次机会,如果未来发生什么事态,那也就没商量了(不是拉黑名单的意思)。

LooPeR231 发表于 6 天前

Since I am one of the people involved in this case, let me present my own opinion on this whole situation, if possible. Thank you in advance

One important thing to mention here, is that I've never asked HTJ to make a QQ account for me, that was his own initiative. I can't say that I wasn't afraid of getting that account taken control of at some point, I have been thinking about it the whole time, but only recently I've been sensing it would happen really soon, so it indeed happened.

As of lately, I've noticed how HTJ really likes to seek for attention. He would frequently message me just "Hello, how are you" without any reason and continuation of conversation. For some time I kept responding to those before I ultimately stopped, because it just became exhausting for me emotionally. I am not so sure about what I will say next, but Reflex and JUE used to receive similar messages from HTJ too. They were ignorant from the beginning. It was a different case for me, because I've known HTJ for a longer while than them and it didn't feel right to me to treat a friend (not anymore, sadly) wrongly. One of my faults would be that I didn't tell him that such things irritate me in the long run, but I digress.

HTJ once tried to also collab with Meteo Dream, by asking me to make a project with them on Thunder Engine. This caused a little conflict between Electro and HTJ, which I resolved quick. Even though I wasn't that sure if it was worthy of working with HTJ, since I've never seen him finish any work, but the way Electro responded to his request didn't feel right to me (Electro demanded HTJ to be able to code in Godot. I objected that claim, because Meteo Dream has level designers who can't code, but they still made levels). After we released WF, I wanted to probe the situation and wait until HTJ would ask me about the Thunder Engine collab, but I received no such question afterwards.

I also want to believe, that HTJ doesn't like Electro, based on how he focuses on him frequently. Wish it could be false, but based on what I've seen, this doesn't look like it.

囿里有条小咸鱼 发表于 6 天前

本帖最后由 囿里有条小咸鱼 于 2024-5-14 12:07 编辑

LooPeR231 发表于 2024-5-14 05:01
Since I am one of the people involved in this case, let me present my own opinion on this whole situ ...
Before you entering the Chinese forum, and even Chinese QQ group, HTJ had been there for about two to three years. During this period before you entrance to here, he'd made troubles in QQ group. At first he was posting some pictures off-topic, which we did not care as we thought it was normal when someone wanted to share something fun with friends. However, then in a very long time, even till now, he has been keeping sharing the off-topic from time to time, and even something that we've already known or that is meaningless for us. The continuous behavior has become annoying, so annoying that someone pointed it out and asked him to stop it. Did he take it? Partially. He did stop for a mere while, and then he started it again. Till the moment when Crist banned you (sorry for mentioning this but for the explanation, i'd to do so), and Reflex, JUE and I are negotiating with Rafael, Crist, and PS (iirc), during which he was keeping conveying inequivalent information between Chinese staff and English ones plus some TeamCE members like Reflex, who was once irritated by HTJ's snapshot and his translation of what the livestream was about. Fortunately, someone helped to explain it and Reflex finally became delighted. Because of his clawn behavior, Chinese staff posted a serious warning for him.
After the warning, he ceased his clawn behaivor for a long term, and once quitted the QQ group, until recent days when it returned to the group again, with his behavior more annoying and even abstract (in Chinese web "abstract" refers to something really hard to describe because it leads people unable to understand, which is often annoying). The post by newlife and me recorded his "classical moment" during the recent period.
Once HTJ partially explained his reason why blacklisting someone:
1. The one that he'd been disturbing
2. The one that catching his black history
We do not get what logic is set for the first reason, but i think it must be necessary to notify the user of the account about retrieving QQ account before doing it. The retrieving before notifying is too abstract to comprehend...
The only thing he did correctly was that he have realized his clawn behaivor and quitted almost all MF-related groups and servers rather than being banned (except once one of his account was banned by MFDC staff).
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