囿里有条小咸鱼 发表于 2022-5-16 13:23:07


本帖最后由 电童·Isamo 于 2022-5-16 17:48 编辑

RT,首先在此声明,本人确实有某人(具体id现因时间较早,已不明确)私下发予本人的Vanilla Editor,且在去年才得知该引擎私用。后来本人私藏至今天中午十二点整,且从未转发过给任何人
1. 已于今日中午十二时十五分删除Vanilla Editor等私有引擎,并保证不再过问
2. 将所搬运的素材在此列举出来:

3. 身为某版副版主,即MF社区管理组织的一份子,本人未能尽责,理应受罚。同时,本人保证今后将会更加积极配合站长与站管理员的工作,维护MF社区的秩序的稳定与氛围的和谐。积极诱导新人向正确的方向发展,同时积极配合抵制一切不明来路即私下流传的私人文件。
特此声明电童·Isamo2022.5.16 13:23static/image/hrline/line9.pngEnglishTo begin with, I do have Vanilla Editor given privately by someone (whose id is now almost unknown due to chronological reason), and learnt, the last year, that the editor is private. Then I have stored it privately till 12p.m this noon, during which I HAVE NOT forwarded it to everyone.
I should acknowledge that I did pirated some graphics from the engine (without codes because I did not resort to copying and pasting codes to mine since the skills on CTF coding of mine has been greatly augumented); however, I did the graphic-using without unmasking
This day, here, the thread is post to publicly apologize to Xykijun, Achiro, etc. As a compensation:
1. Vanilla Editor and other private engines, have been completely removed from my computer, and I will not receive and ask any questions about them.
2. The pirated are listed here:

[*]Stem of icy power flower
[*]Fence - snowy
[*]Castle - bottom - snowy
[*]Grass - snowy
[*]Woods - snowy
   whose graphics have been tweaked in a proper way.
3. As a vice-monitor of some board - a member of staff of MF Chinese Community, I am not on my duty well and should be punished. Meanwhile, it should be promised that I will, from today, do my duties with forum-builder and other administrators much more actively, help to maintain the stability of communication and harmony of atmosphere of the community, and actively lead freshmen to a right way and help to block the circulation of any kinds of private files.
Hereby Declaration MadeElectronic BoyMay 16th, 2022 13:23
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